Because your marketing growth is stalled. And it’s costing your business - in time, money and missed sales…

You’re ready for a new approach - one that consistently delivers more customers, a healthier bottom line and makes your CEO almost purr with pleasure.

The difference that transforms your marketing from 🥱to 😍?


Transforming your marketing starts with listening strategically to your customers and potential customers.

Real transformation comes when you use the lessons from that listening to:

  • develop marketing strategies designed to get results based on the validated needs and behaviours of your customers, not assumed needs and behaviours

  • choose marketing channels your customers have already told you get their attention; and

  • craft marketing messages that make an emotional connection with your potential customers (because we all know people buy for emotional reasons and justify their decisions with logic)

Kathryn McGarvey of Meaningful Marketing Co.png

Hi, I’m Kathryn McGarvey and I help businesses like yours understand your customers better.

So you can stop throwing money at things that don’t work and start investing in marketing that gets measurable results.

Results like Pete & Kay’s.

Pete & Kay own Mobile Car Valet and they sell the systems and know-how for their buyers to set themselves up with their own, profitable car detailing business.

Sales had dried up when they came to see me.

2 months, 8 buyer interviews and tweaks to both their ad and landing page later, and Pete & Kay had brought in an additional $20,000 in revenue.

And we’re not done yet.

You’re in good company

Get your marketing finally under control

Your Unfair Marketing Advantage

Your heart, guts and rational brain are telling you it just makes sense that getting to know your customers better will unlock all kinds of juicy marketing goodness.

Marketing Strategy

You know you need a plan if you want long-term results. And winging it in the face of all that the last few years has thrown at us isn’t the choice of champions. You just lack the know-how, confidence or staff to create it yourself.

Marketing Made Easy Coaching

You’re a small business with a smart capable team (or maybe you’re a solo business owner) and you just need help understanding the basics of marketing and how to apply them to get your business to get real results.

Isn’t it time to see what you are capable of?

If you have 30 minutes to talk about your marketing, I’ve got 30 minutes to listen. (It’s pretty much what I do for a living.)

How about we get together for a complimentary, obligation-free chat? Just you, me, and a Zoom screen with unflattering lighting (or is that just me?)